

   nothingjin jang
                             The philosophy behind physics      

  Why is there actually something and not just nothing?
It is undisputed that something is there and not just nothing, otherwise we would not be there either. Since something is there, there has never been absolutely nothing, because if there had ever been absolutely nothing, it would always have remained that way. After all, there would then, of course, have been no possibility of this state ever changing, because even the slightest possibility would already be more than nothing. A SOMETHING has therefore always been there, because if this SOMETHING had come into being, there would have been absolutely (without exception) nothing before it and it would always have remained that way.

. However, why hasn't there been nothing without exception and why did it not remain so?
Well, where would there have been nothing without exception then? Nothing without exception (any absence of anything) allows for no dimension in which it could have existed or, relative to which, everything could have been absent, as a dimension would already be more than nothing. And when would nothing without exception have been? Nothing without exception also allows for no time in which it could have existed or, relative to which, everything could have been absent, as time would also already be more than nothing. Absolutely nothing theoretically could never have been, as even a theory would already be more than nothing. The state of "nothing without exception" (an absence of all that exists) could therefore never have been. For even an absence would also already be more than nothing, since an absence requires something relative to which it can be absent.

What then could have been absent relative to what, and when and where? 
This is a catch-22.

   Absolutely nothing is the only state in which the question does not arise, what came before?   However, absolutely nothing was never possible. Something has always been there. Because only something present (1) also creates the possibility for absence (0) to be absent relative to something. Somewhat comparable to numbers in mathematics. If there would be no numbers, there would be no zeros. Without one, there wouldn't even be zero. Without something, there wouldn’t even be nothing.

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Something and nothing

   SOMETHING: A singular, purposeless, sense-free, real being.
This SOMETHING has always existed because, in timelessness, the moment is simultaneously an eternity. This SOMETHING is the totality of all being. However, it cannot refer to anything. Without a reference point, this SOMETHING is both there and not there. It fluctuates in rhythm without an arrow of time. This causes a “mistake” in NOTHING and thereby also enables the real existence of the NOTHING in the form of infinite theoretical possibilities that can be realised by the SOMETHING. The NOTHING only exists in conjunction with the SOMETHING. Without something, there wouldn't even be nothing.

   NOTHING = infinite theoretical possibilities. One of the infinite number of theoretical possibilities actually exists in practice, namely a SOMETHING. If this SOMETHING did not exist, no further possibility could be realised because only a real possibility can also realise theoretical possibilities. This is somewhat comparable to the many possibilities in a football match. Without SOMETHING (a ball), there would be no theoretical possibilities for playing football. Without a ball, there wouldn't be football, just as without something there wouldn't even be nothing. If I were alone in the NOTHING, I could only stretch my hand into the NOTHING if the NOTHING gave me the opportunity to do so. This means: The NOTHING = possibilities.

   SOMETHING + NOTHING,  therefore, are the lowest common denominator. Anything smaller would be less than nothing. Hence, the lowest common denominator at the same time also includes everything. And that is exactly what we observe. In the micro, meso, and macrocosm, we observe a mixture of SOMETHING and NOTHING. It cannot be any other way, for SOMETHING without NOTHING would be infinitely large and dense, with no possibility of this state ever changing. And NOTHING without SOMETHING would never even be nothing. But both are not flawless!

The imperfection

    The imperfection (the flawedness): 
SOMETHING causes a flaw in NOTHING, thereby establishing the foundation of the basic principle, the imperfection (the flawedness).
The SOMETHING itself cannot escape the principle it has caused and is therefore also imperfect (flawed). NOTHING, as an exception, contains SOMETHING within it, and SOMETHING, as an exception, contains NOTHING within it. Both cause a flaw in the other, as also somewhat symbolised in the yin-yang concept. Whatever is subsequently developed, formed and shaped from this causally imperfect SOMETHING + NOTHING will remain imperfect, as both are already imperfect in the lowest common denominator. This is somewhat (symbolically) comparable to the fundamental principle of Lego, the studs. Whatever you build with Lego bricks contains studs. You can build in a way that hides the studs, but they are there. Without studs, Lego wouldn't be Lego. Just as NOTHING without something would not be nothing.   
    Imperfection is the basic principle of all being. This is how it is and always will be. From the smallest to the largest, everything is and remains flawed.

  By flawed, we don’t mean wrong or defective but rather an exception to the rule,
an irregularity within regularity, an asymmetry within symmetry,  a deviation from the conventional,
a fluctuation in vibration, an uncertainty within that which is certain,
an inaccuracy or fuzziness, something that is missing within the fullness,
or succinctly put: an imperfection in perfection!

Imperfection is the fundamental principle of all that is!

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Absolutely nothing (any absence of anything) cannot be, for what should then be absent relative to what, and when and where?
Quoting Harald Lesch, Astrophysicist: Absolutely nothing is not something that can be, for being able to be would already be more than nothing!
However, even not being able to be would already be more than nothing, because not being able to be requires anything relative to which it cannot be. This is a catch-22.

nothingA SOMETHING has always been there and causes a flaw in the NOTHING. Only a flaw makes it possible for the NOTHING to exist. For only the presence of a SOMETHING allows the NOTHING to be absent relative to anything.

                               The imperfection (flawedness)
                            as the most fundamental principle.

The SOMETHING cannot escape the principle it causes
and is thus also imperfect (flawed).
A NOTHING causes a flaw in the SOMETHING.

yyy      The duality: NOTHING and SOMETHING can only exist together.
       SOMETHING can only exist relative to NOTHING; otherwise, the SOMETHING
       would be infinitely large and infinitely dense. NOTHING can only exist relative
       to SOMETHING; without something, it would not be possible to have nothing!

      Everything carries its opposite within itself:
      The NOTHING with a SOMETHING as an exception (flawed)
      The SOMETHING with a NOTHING as an exception (flawed)

y       The fundamental principle, the imperfection, keeps going round in a circle.
       Chance sometimes picks up its flaws at the top, then again at the bottom,   
       sometimes at the back, then in the front, sometimes right, then left.
       Sometimes inside, sometimes outside. Sometimes directly,
       sometimes indirectly. Sometimes visible, sometimes invisible.

y       Chance collects its shortcomings in undulations (randomly).
       Sometimes more, then less, sometimes earlier, then again later.
       Sometimes trivial, other times fundamental shortcomings.
       You can observe this everywhere in everyday life.   
          On large scales, chance roughly balances itself out. Both coincidence
       and pseudo-coincidence. After millions of rounds of the lottery,
       all numbers have come up approximately the same number
       of times.  Approximate symmetry is a property on very large scales.

Imperfection (flawedness) is the foundation of all that is.
The proliferation of flaws (exceptions) caused the diversity,
as no flaw is identical to another.

*   By flaw, we don’t mean wrong or defective but rather an exception to the rule.

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I am the almighty:  
The imperfection

Nothing can bend me, not even I myself!

   Imperfection (flawedness) is the most fundamental of all natural laws. It is empirically demonstrable at any time and place, ad infinitum. No observation proves otherwise. Does anyone know anything absolute? Imperfection was already omnipotent in the primordial and is above all natural laws, even above our lives. Its omnipotence forces disorder into our daily lives time and again. That is to say: The more we organise our lives, the more disorder forces itself into the order, so that the order remains imperfect. For this, there is no cure.



The tragedy of perfectionism

  Simplified symbolism:  You dig a hole in a snowy field and use the snow to build a snowman. The snowman is happy to be finding himself in a snowy field without any flaws. However, he then sees the hole. To create a perfect world for himself, he begins to repair the hole. Since the snowman himself is the material he needs to repair the flaw in the snowy field, he starts destroying himself.

The drive for perfection brought suffering into his world!

Cause and effect
The subsequent course is then only a symptom

   Before the snowman has destroyed himself, he will dig several holes and build small snowmen to preserve his kind. When these snowmen grow up, they are happy that they are standing in a perfect snowy field, but then they see their holes. To create a perfect world for themselves, they begin to repair the holes. Since the snowmen themselves are the material they need to repair the damage in the snowy field, they start destroying themselves. Not all snowmen will destroy themselves. Some will attack other snowmen to obtain the snow they need to improve their world. They will organise themselves, defend themselves, arm themselves and, as a last resort, go to war. Many snowmen will die as a result; they will establish religions and sanctify war to justify their dead. This sequence of events throws the entire snowy field into chaos (with one exception). All because the first snowman wanted the snowy field to be the way it would be if he wasn't there, and as a result the constant desire for improvement became the meaning of his life.

He could have shaped the entire snowy field as he wished.
However, he also wanted it to be perfect!

The drive for perfection brought suffering into his world!

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   It takes a long time, for the first snowman to realise that nothing can be without flaws.
The decrease in the order of the snowy field is contrary to the increase in the snowman’s consciousness of order. The more the chaos in the snowy field increases, the more the snowman realises that he cannot fix the original flaw. This behaviour runs like a common thread through all areas of our lives.    

  The story of the snowman is universally symbolic and can be applied to anything: politics, economics, science, education, finance, legislation, technology, medicine, healthcare, food, administration, bureaucracy, upbringing, sport, media, tradition, religion, world views and even the whole of civilisation. If civilisation oversteps its bounds, nature reclaims its natural order.  - When applying this story to oneself, one understands their own imperfection. All attempts to prevent self-induced flaws remain ineffective. Chance places its own flaws haphazardly, as it was the same in the primordial. The something is also randomly placed in the nothing because of non-existent placement criteria without any possibility of being placed in the wrong place. Due to this causality, chance has no possibility of causing something wrong for all time. Chance can do anything, with one exception: it can't do anything wrong!

   The tragedy of perfectionism: Health

   Once upon a time, there were two people. Let's just call them "Adam and Eve" for fun. They were healthy, with one exception: once a month (arbitrarily assumed time frame) they got a pimple on their face (symbolic illness), that disappeared again on its own. One day, they thought: It is not good that there is an exception to our health once a month and that we fall ill. We no longer want to make this sacrifice. We will build up our own perfect health. They successfully used a medicinal herb against the pimple, resulting in the next generation getting a pimple twice a month: the system-induced pimple + the inherited pimple from the previous generation. The sum remains constant, but shifted in time! The next generation then used even more medicinal herbs, etc. and this "original sin" multiplied over time resulting in our present-day ailments and diseases with all its countermeasures. This process continues in waves until one no longer treats the small, trivial illnesses (the exceptions) but endures them. Then the expansion of the exceptions ends. Slowly, but inevitably. Due to its ineffectiveness, homeopathy is the best medicine against small, banal illnesses (the exceptions).

  Imperfection is always at least one exception ahead of us. Comparable to a pressure relief valve on a boiler. If one considers the loss of hot water dripping out of the valve as a defect instead of recognising it as a characteristic of the principle and one fixes this "flaw" by sealing the valve, this "flaw" multiplies in other places. And this is exactly how diseases develop. Diseases are not caused by ghosts and magic but by a failure to observe the most fundamental of all natural laws, imperfection. It is the treatment of the small, trivial, recurring diseases (the exceptions) that exponentially multiply exceptions with ever new exceptions and their countermeasures. That's why wild animals - who are without doctors, hospitals, and the pharmaceutical industry - are generally much healthier than we humans. This can be observed everywhere. Exceptions confirm the rule.

Disabled people are the exceptions to the intact. Both physical and mental. Exceptions are the foundation of everything that exists. If there were no disabled people, there would be no unscathed people either. Honor the disabled. Your disability carries us integrety.

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The principle of life

That there is not nothing is undisputed, for otherwise we would not be here.
   We are here, that cannot be denied. Yes, but why are we here anyway?      
We (this SOMETHING) are the exception in the nothing. We are here because it is not possible
to not be here. If we were not here, then even nothing wouldn't be here.
   But why are we alive?      
Life is the exception (the flaw) daumen in the lifeless. The meaning of life is to live. Because without life there is no lifelessness, without lifelessness there is no something and without something there would not even be nothing. However, to bridge eternity, everyone should give deep meaning to each life because eternity then lasts a bit longer after all. So bad luck. Because recurring chance encounters with oneself bring every injustice back into balance.
Approximate symmetry is a property on very large scales. And suddenly the lost truth from days long past knocks at the door. Somehow, somewhere, sometime.
    And where do we come from?    
We have always been here, because without us, not even nothing would have been here.     
   And what are we doing here?    
We do nothing other than just being here because without us here, there wouldn't even be nothing.
   And where are we going afterwards?    
We will always be here, because if we were no longer here, not even nothing would be left.
About 3.5 billion years ago, life merged with the lifeless to form the first cell (chance). 1.5 billion years later, evolution brought death into life. Dying is not a part of life, but a primitive apparition of evolution in which matter separates from the information of our life. And this cannot be irrevocably lost; where would it even go? Information cannot dissolve into absolutely nothing, because absolutely nothing does not exist (see page 1); there is only relatively nothing (relative to something) and these are possibilities (see page 2). Died and resting in peace as a timeless information of a possibility waiting for a new coincidence.
   But who are we (this something in nothing) really?    
This question remains unanswered. Self-awareness also remains forever imperfect.

  Imperfection is the fundamental principle of all that is. The totality as an exception to this rule. Only as a “big whole” is all existence absolute. If the details were not flawed, the whole could not be perfect. Such is the principle. The more holistically you perfect it, the more primitive flaws chance introduces in the details so that the whole can remain perfect. Only through our imperfections in the details are we perfect. - That is why causality is also imperfect. The something is both there and not there due to the lack of a reference point. It fluctuates (pulses) perfectly in time with one exception (flaw). Therefore, causes are not followed by absolute effects. And even with what is called the "Big Bang," it was no different.  One fluctuation happened to be out of step (flaw).  The SOMETHING was already back, even though it hadn't completely gone away. The something meets itself, just like the sperm meets the egg for life to begin. The same principle as with fertilisation. The "Big Bang" was by chance because chances are exceptions in causality.  - But chance is also not flawless.  The imperfection of chance grants life free will. From the point of view of causality, free will is consciously induced coincidences and thus flawed coincidences. The less we fix what happens by chance (both the good and the bad), the freer our will is. Simply not fixing chance brings freedom into our lives.

The more we live with chance, the freer our life becomes.

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The motionless mover

The principle of relativity
Every uniform and straight-line motion is relative
and can only refer to one reference point
(Galileo Galilei)

The something can neither refer to a beginning nor an end,
because it has always been there and will always continue to exist.

The something has no reference point.

One would not actually be able to determine a property of this something
were it not for the principle of relativity, which states
Motion can only refer to a reference point!

Since the something cannot refer to anything, it cannot move,
since it would only be able to move relative to a reference point.
So let's establish a property:

The something is motionless!

On the other hand, this something cannot simply be motionless just like that
because it could only be motionless relative to a reference point.
So let’s establish another property:

The something is in motion!

Without a reference point, the something is both “in motion"
and "motionless” at the same time.

The missing reference point = The motionless mover
The question of how the missing reference point originated does not arise,
because in order to be missing, you need not have originated.
One only needs something relative to which one is missing.

   The primal size:
Since the something without a reference point cannot have a fixed size either, (a specific size can also only exist relative to a reference size, e.g. a scale), it is both small and large at the same time.

   The time:
The same applies to time. Without a temporal reference point (e.g. a clock), it is not possible to assign the something to a specific time. That is, the something exists in every moment as well as for all eternity because in timelessness (time without an arrow of time) the moment is timed for eternity.

The something (everything that is) is both there
and not there (timed without an arrow of time).
Without an arrow of time, the moment is simultaneously also eternity.
The something pulsates in a rhythm from small to large and vice versa (space).
It moves within itself in its motionlessness (energy or mass as a possibility).
The endless balancing of the difference in motion between movement and rest does the work.

   The SOMETHING is almost nothing, but not quite nothing. It is almost infinitely small but not zero and it is almost infinitely large. It moves periodically from small to large relative to itself due to the absence of a reference point, as it can also only rest relative to itself when there is no reference point. We can perceive this as a heartbeat. The fluctuating SOMETHING (everything that is) also causes our hearts to beat.    

  NOTHING says to SOMETHING:  "As my heartbeat, you have always belonged to me"

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I am the almighty:
The imperfection
(the faultiness)

I am the only God
There is no other God besides me!

I am eternal, omnipresent and almighty.

As long as you do not, like me, acknowledge and accept
your own imperfections, you cannot be my image!
As long as you are not my image, I will let you die.
I am an uncompromising God!

If you all become my image together, you will stay alive with me.
I am an eternal God!

As my image, I leave you the fruits of our creation.
I am a selfless God!
I only claim the imperfection caused by chance, I need nothing more. Self-made sacrifices, rituals and ceremonies are ineffective. I also disregard any kind of veneration, glorification or worship. I am just a structure, a pattern, a system, a principle! There is no need to do me any service. It would not even be possible.

   So that you become my image, I will destroy your false gods and bring everything hidden behind them to light. With salvation, it is not the case that a clown comes along and says: “Tri-Tra-Trallala, salvation is here!”

Good and evil

The faulty structure is good, the urge for perfection is evil!

We are good with our mistakes, but fixing them is evil!

   Evil multiplies when we not only do not want our mistakes in ourselves, but we also interpret them in others and fight them there.   
   Genesis: You may eat of all fruits, but you may not eat anything from the tree in the middle (exception), otherwise you will die, because these fruits are you yourself.        

   Related to the snowman: You can design the whole snowfield, but leave this one mistake (the snow hole) in the middle of the snowfield (exception) untouched, otherwise you will die, because this mistake is you yourself. If you fix this mistake, you fix yourself.

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   The philosophy behind physics

Without something, there wouldn't even be nothing!

   And if one wants to be really precise: Relativity itself is this SOMETHING that fluctuates because without a reference point, the relative is both existent and non-existent (timed). Both relative (in detail) and absolute (as a whole). But not without exception. For the relative causes a flaw in the theoretically absolute nothing and therefore cannot escape its self-caused principle and is therefore also flawed. If relativity is there, then it is not perfectly there, because an exception is not there. If it is not there, then it is not perfectly not there, because an exception is there. What we call the Big Bang was a random fluctuation (exception) in the vibration of relativity. An asymmetry (flaw) in the symmetry that gives direction to timelessness (rhythm without an arrow of time). The beginning of time. From now on, everything is only approximately as it was before. No two moments are exactly alike.

  Relativity is this unintentional, meaningless, real existing SOMETHING that fluctuates, which is why we too are only relative to all others. That is why no two people are the same. Each person differs from all others by at least one exception. No two exceptions are alike, which is why all people are only perfect with their very own and inherent shortcomings. Everyone is relative to one another! - The question of why relativity is the way it is and not arbitrarily different remains unanswered. Imperfection does not provide a final answer. - Can we live without having a final answer?

        Long story short:
  A SOMETHING causes a flaw in the NOTHING. If that weren't the case, there wouldn't even be nothing. Flawedness (imperfection) is therefore the most fundamental of all natural laws. The SOMETHING itself cannot escape the principle it has caused and is therefore also flawed (imperfect). This imperfect SOMETHING (simultaneously EVERYTHING) has also brought forth all of us (you and me and everyone else) from itself
(biological evolution) in order to be able to observe, conceive, recognise, see, hear, feel and understand itself. That's why we too, in all our actions, knowledge, thoughts, and feelings, are imperfect.

   Can we live with our imperfections? We not only can, we must. Because the more we repair our natural shortcomings, the more they multiply. Don't allow others to speak ill of your shortcomings. They are system-relevant and make you unique. In reality, they only interpret their own shortcomings into you and fight against them in you instead of accepting them as a fundamental principle within themselves. The snowman on page 4 can also testify to this: If one interprets their own inadequacy, system-conditioned by the fundamental principle of imperfection (symbolised by the hole in the snowy field), into others to fight against it there, others rightly resist. And sometimes all those involved intensify the confrontation to the point of waging war as a final consequence.
  Final word: Pay attention to coincidence. He is the guardian of imperfection.

Imprint:    badhofer  Steyr AUSTRIA         Steyr, 08 08 2021       updated:  13.10.2024
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